My Responsibility

I can’t believe I haven’t posted anything in almost a year, I am constantly telling myself to write yet never making the time to do it.

I got a new job a few months ago! I work at a bank now, and you’re attending summer camp. You got accepted into public school, so you’ll be starting public pre-k next month. You are so funny and smart and you’re always saying things that surprise me. You fill me with so much life.

So I recently read something that got on my nerves. There’s an e-cig company called JUUL, and parents are suing the company saying that their teens are using the product and getting addicted because the advertisements make it look fun.

These parents’ arguments are largely that JUUL:

  • Sells “fun” flavors like mango, mint, and vanilla
  • Advertises as “safer than cigarettes”
  • Is purposefully targeting teenagers the same way that Big Tobacco does as a marketing scheme

From what I’ve seen, the company:

  • Constantly reinforces the fact that if you do not smoke cigarettes, you should NOT vape
  • Has an age limit so you can’t even buy the products (online OR in store) without providing ID showing that you’re of age
  • Took “fun” flavors out of stores to make it harder for people to access

You know what else is age-restricted and has fun flavors? Alcohol. You know what else teens are constantly getting their hands on? Alcohol.

In my opinion, JUUL has to advertise as “safer than cigarettes” because their market is PEOPLE TRYING TO QUIT SMOKING. Of course it’s safer! And on their ads they are constantly reinforcing that if you don’t smoke, don’t start now. Their whole brand is that they’re a safe alternative for smokers to wean off cigarettes, so why wouldn’t they try to make it more fun with flavors?

I’m tired of parents constantly shifting the blame to others when learning starts at home.

For example, you’re only 4 years old and we had this conversation:

You: Mom, can I say bitch?
Me: No
You: Can I say shit?
Me: No
You: Can I say damn?
Me: No, those are only words for adults.
You: But _______ at school says it.
Me: That doesn’t mean you say it, it’s not nice to say those words. You can say them when you’re older.

And now you never use those words. Whenever you hear them on TV or on the radio you cross your arms and say, “Hmm, I can’t say that yet. I’m not old enough.” Which I think is hilarious, but you definitely don’t say that anymore.

In my eyes as a marketing professional, JUUL is just trying to do their job, which is helping smokers. If parents are upset that their child is using their product: those vapes are age restricted, how did your teen get their hands on it in the first place?

I know parents can’t always stop their kids from cursing, or drinking, or smoking, but these conversations need to start at home.

I will always do my best to teach you what’s right. You can always come to me for anything, whether you’re curious about drinking or sex or smoking or anything. We’ll have a conversation, and I’ll always be open to talk to if you need help. I’ll never be mad at you for coming to me for help. What you choose to do is up to you, but I’ll always try to do my part to make you smart and keep you safe.

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